I should teach them to squirrel away each dollar so they can hunker away from the wind at the door. 我应当教会他们,有点钱就存起来,以备不时之需。
In those cases where neither Squirrel Shell nor you can abstract the platform away, Squirrel Shell provides a handy function to probe the operating system so code can follow an appropriate branch. 在这些情况下,无论是SquirrelShell还是您都无法脱离平台,SquirrelShell提供了一个方便的函数来探测操作系统,这样代码就可以适当的执行。
Smartly, virtually all of the functions in the Squirrel Shell abstract away the specifics of the underlying operating system, so your code can be as generic as possible. 巧妙的是,SquirrelShell中的几乎所有函数都去掉了底层操作系统的细节,因此您的代码可以尽可能保持通用。
When prices fall, it encourages households and businesses to squirrel away cash, holding back growth. 当物价下降时,就会鼓励家庭和企业把现金囤积起来,这就抑制了增长。
As she spoke, an elderly couple walked along a nearby path, a young woman danced with a hula hoop near a fountain and a squirrel darted away from us toward a tree just beginning to leaf. 我们聊天时,一堆老夫妇从旁边的小径走过,一位年轻女子在喷泉旁跳呼啦圈,一只松鼠从我们身边蹿出,爬上一棵刚刚开始长叶的树。
Not that this squirrel minded a bit, he was busy chomping away at the peanuts and peanut butter stored inside this unusually shaped feeder. 这只松鼠可一点都不介意,它正忙着吧唧吧唧地吃它的花生和花生酱呢,这些东西就储存在这个形状怪异的喂食器里。
I never imagined getting this excited about seeing a bird, squirrel or monkey, particularly when they are hundreds of meters away! 我从来没想到过我在看到一种鸟、松鼠或猴子的时候会这么激动,尤其是当它们在数百米之外的情况下!
But inflation should also drive up your salary, allowing you to squirrel away more money. 但是通货膨胀同时会抬搞你的工资,让你拿更多的钱存起来。
Mole, Rabit, hedgehog and Squirrel stood staring at the tree, enchanted, until the last of the light had died away. 鼹鼠,兔子,刺猬和松鼠都站在那凝视着那棵树,欢呼着,直到最后一道光线消失。
A squirrel was crouching motionless half a metre away. 半米开外有只松鼠纹丝不动地蹲在那里。
Nervous householders continue to squirrel more money away in the banks. 不安的居民持续不断地把更多钱存入银行。
When I was driving through a local cemetery to view the cherry trees, I spotted this squirrel munching away the cherry blossom petals. 樱花开花图片库。当我乘车穿过一个当地的公墓去观赏樱花树。我看见这只有斑点的松鼠大声咀嚼远离樱花花瓣。
If I know I'm going to need something over and over again, I squirrel it away somewhere and then get it back when I need it. 如果我知道我将要反复,使用一个东西时,我会把它贮藏起来以后用。
What do you do with the detritus of a former relationship? Torch everything? Sell the diamonds? Squirrel away the love letters and photos in the attic? 你会怎样上次感情经历留下的东西?把一切付炬?把钻石卖掉?把情书和照片藏到阁楼里?
Miss Squirrel didn't pull the grass. instead, she went away. 小松鼠没有拔小草,走开了。
Squirrel away the love letters and photos in the attic? 把情书和照片藏到阁楼里?